Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Update Zakumi Jersey 2010 Paper Model

South African World Cup getting closer
Finally, I completed five new uniforms for Zakumi
Namely the uniform of the UK, Germany, South Africa, France and Spain

So now there are six total Zakumi uniform pieces, and instructions are still the same with italian Zakumi.

Updated and will continue, especially Brazil and Argentina has not been made.
Hopefully not back out, .... : D

Have fun with Paper Craft

Imam Sujugo

Download :
Zakumi German
Zakumi Spain
Zakumi England
Zakumi Italy
Zakumi South Africa
Zakumi French


  1. zakumi french sama zakumi south africa,gambarnya ga muncul bos. hehee

  2. Udah di betulin linknya bos, hehee
    Thanks udah ngingetin... :D
